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As a new plastics deal takes shape, companies must shift their business models now

A successful global plastics deal in 2024 will require businesses to shift their models towards circularity. Companies need to rethink their entire approach, from product design to waste management, by reducing reliance on virgin plastics and adopting closed-loop systems. Collaboration across sectors, innovation, and stronger policies are essential to ensure plastic use aligns with environmental goals. Businesses that integrate sustainability into their operations early will benefit from new market opportunities as regulations evolve.

Intertek is here to help with our extensive suite of sustainability and ESG solutions including just a few of these services below:

  • Intertek’s Zero Waste to Landfill certification which provides improved credibility and visibility to an organization’s efforts to improve its environmental impacts. 
  • Circular Economy Solutions For Plastics - CircularAssure ( supporting the advancement of recycled plastic development and enabling the circular economy for plastics through assurance, testing and certification services, we support brands, recycling companies, polymers, plastics, and packaging businesses and other stakeholders in the recycled plastics value chain to close the loop with CircularAssure.
  • As well as our end-to-end ESG Data and Reporting programme offers a comprehensive solution that combines sustainability, scientific, engineering, and auditing expertise. This programme ensures thorough ESG compliance, providing organizations with the confidence to effectively communicate their ESG commitments and achievements to stakeholders. Total Sustainability Assurance (
Viewed through a narrow lens, plastics have been a roaring success. The industry is worth around $700 billion annually, provides millions of jobs, and has benefited societies, economies and people. But on this interconnected and fragile planet, we must look through a wider lens at a bigger picture: how humanity produces, uses and disposes of plastics is harming the environment, people, economies and, in the long term, businesses themselves.


recycling, esg, sustainability, zero waste to landfill, greenwashing, sec, environment, environmental impacts, certification, credibility, plastics