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| 1 minute read

What are the future development trends in the field of edible oil packaging?

In the current era of heightened competition, the packaging of edible oils is undergoing a transformative evolution, transitioning from a mere surface embellishment to an integral facet of the product itself. No longer confined to simplicity, present-day packaged edible oil products showcase diverse characteristics, featuring high-quality materials, sophisticated craftsmanship, and impeccable packaging design that vividly narrates brand stories and cultural nuances. This visual allure enhances market competitiveness, captures consumer attention, and augments brand value. Concurrently, the packaging industry for edible oils is witnessing a shift towards diverse materials with a primary emphasis on safety, gradually replacing traditional options. The integration of packaging materials and production processes is also gaining prominence, streamlining operations and reducing production costs. Furthermore, the trend towards smaller packaging sizes and combo packs, catering to the evolving lifestyles and preferences of consumers, is reshaping the market. As the industry moves forward, reducing the weight of oil bottles and implementing traceability systems emerge as critical factors, reflecting the broader commitment to sustainability and food safety.

Feel free to reach out to us for all your packaging needs, as Intertek is here to support you across the entire supply chain.


packaging, edible oils, quality materials, food safety, traceability, sustainability