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How Sustainable Packaging Makes Business Sense

In the global shift towards environmental sustainability, India emerges as a leader, transitioning from a linear 'take-make-dispose' model to the progressive 'reduce-reuse-recycle' paradigm. The packaging industry, particularly in beverages, spearheads this transformation, notably adopting recyclable Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) bottles. Recycling PET not only minimizes landfill waste but also curtails pollution and conserves vital resources. Embracing this eco-friendly ethos aligns with the Indian government's vision for sustainable plastic use, with the Coca-Cola System leading the charge. By incorporating '100 percent made from recycled food-grade plastic' labels, subject to rigorous food safety standards, we envision a future where sustainable packaging becomes a shared responsibility for a greener world. 
Discover how Intertek's Sustainable Packaging Solutions offers customers solutions to minimize packaging material usage, diminish environmental footprints, and streamline packaging design for cost savings across the supply chain—all without compromising product protection.

Recycling PET reduces the amount of waste that is sent to landfills, decreases pollution from the production of new plastic, and conserves resources, including fossil fuels and energy.


sustainable packaging, recycle pet, india, fssai, environmental sustainability, packaging industry