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Will QR codes improve access to food labels?

The intention to introduce QR codes on packaged foods in India holds significant importance due to the country's status as one of the largest markets for such products globally. This step becomes crucial amid a rising burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs), partly attributed to the increased consumption of aggressively marketed pre-packaged foods. 

Ashim Sanyal, CEO of Consumer VOICE, emphasizes consumers' right to informed choices and applauds the initiative. The QR codes are designed to provide comprehensive details about products, including ingredients, nutritional information, allergens, and more. This aligns with regulations emphasizing food safety and accessibility, acknowledging the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act. The adoption of QR codes reflects global trends, with the U.S., India, France, and the U.K. being leading users, showcasing their impact on consumer behavior and product information accessibility.

For more information on food traceability and food labeling please visit:
 Food Traceability ( 

Food Labelling Solutions (


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