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COVID-19: A Wake-Up Call for Local Food Supply Chains

COVID-19 has left global supply chains exposed and disrupted. It threatened one of life's necessities: food, hence making it a concern for all countries, big and small, rich and poor. They came face-to-face with the fragility of their food supply chain, and lack of locally sourced food.

This realisation is good news for (most of) us! Governments will be more focused on improving their food security by developing their local supply chains.This will not only make them more resilient to disruptions, but will also yield healthier and safer food, which is better for the environment, economy and society at large. 

local food production is more important now than ever before. Sourcing food locally reduces the threat of supply chain shocks while offering a plethora of social, economic, nutritional and environmental benefits to consumers, producers and their communities.


food safety, food security, supply chain, food sustainability