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Balancing Fun, Durability, and Sustainability In Today's Toys

Companies of all sizes and across all industries are eager to go green, but replacing tried-and-true plastic materials is no small feat. This is especially true in the $100+ Billion toy industry, where the major industry leaders are looking to infuse sustainability while maintaining the durability of the product - a primary factor in purchasing decisions. 

While companies want to align with eco-conscious values, current alternatives often fall short in terms of durability, safety, and cost. That’s where cutting-edge R&D and rigorous materials testing come into play. 

Finding the perfect blend of sustainability and performance requires extensive testing to ensure new materials can withstand years of play while still delivering joy. 

As these challenges continue to grow, solutions from trusted testing partners like Intertek are proving essential for manufacturers striving to innovate responsibly. Breakthroughs in Materials Science & Engineering are taking place in laboratories every day. Integrating them into products and bringing them to market successfully is the next hurdle to overcome. 

One of the most important considerations for U.S. parents under 40 making toy purchases is how long it will last, according to data from the Toy Association. Plastic’s durability is one reason both Lego and Mattel have been slow to move on from virgin plastic, according to toy designers. The toymakers ... are prioritizing durability, and consumers are often willing to pay more for something that’s more durable.


toys, materials testing, research and development, innovation, plastics, english, sustainability, toy testing