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Approved Maltogenic a-amylase for Bakery Products in Canada

Health Canada has approved the use of maltogenic a-amylase from S. cerevisiae LALL-MA to be used as food enzymes in bread, flour, whole wheat flour and unstandardized bakery products.

This will force the industry to follow Good Manufacturing practices (GMP) in the food industry and help us to adhere best practices in the food industry.  Health Canada has modified the List of permitted food enzymes for the food industry which is good news. Premarket safety assessment was completed for maltogenic a-amylase from S. cerevisiae LALL-MA+ so our food industry could follow best good manufacturing practices which is very important to our health when consuming bakery products.

For more information please visit - Global Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Solutions for Food Packaging and Other Food Contact Materials (


Good Manufacturing Practices for Bakery Products is key to good health


gmp, good manufacturing practices, food, bakery products, food services, english