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How ISO's Standards Boost Climate Change Awareness

Earlier this year, the ISO and IAF released an amendment to all ISO management system standards. ISO now requires organizations to consider how climate change impacts their operations and their stakeholders' needs. This change, while small, could have a big impact by encouraging millions of organizations worldwide to think more about climate issues. By making climate action part of ISO certification, the update helps raise awareness and could push organizations to support stronger government policies on climate change.

To view the details of the amendment, click here.

For more information about auditing and system certification services, visit 

This amendment requires two things of organizations certifying against the standards. First, they are to consider whether climate change might affect the achievement of the goals their management systems aim to accomplish. Second, they must consider whether any stakeholders have needs or expectations related to climate change.


business assurance, iso, iaf, climate change, english, environment, management systems, certification, standards, assurance