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The Future Belongs to Businesses That Adapt. Are You One of Them?

Businesses that integrate sustainability into their strategy today will be the ones leading tomorrow.

For too long, companies have overlooked their deep dependence on nature - clean water, raw materials, and stable supply chains. But biodiversity loss, climate risks, and resource depletion are no longer distant concerns; they are already reshaping industries, increasing costs, and disrupting operations.

In this article from IPS, the authors, Stephen Polasky and Matt Jones, highlight why businesses must redefine success to include environmental stewardship. The question is no longer whether sustainability matters, but whether businesses can afford to ignore it.

At Intertek, our sustainability solutions, encompassing Assurance, Testing, Inspection, and Certification, are tailored to support organizations across various industries in managing, achieving, and validating their sustainability initiatives. These solutions extend throughout the entire operational footprint, addressing both current and emerging sustainability challenges.

How is your company adapting to this shift? Let’s discuss.


Sustaining nature is not just an environmental goal—it is an essential component of sustainable business—and requires that we redefine business success to include the wise stewardship of nature.


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