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Sustainable Cork: A Better Choice for Your Wine and Our Planet

Ever popped open a bottle of wine and wondered about the cork? That little stopper plays a big role in sustainability! Unlike screw caps or plastic alternatives, natural cork is 100% renewable—harvested without cutting down trees. Harvested cork oak tree stores up to five times more carbon than an unharvested tree, and each year cork oak forests absorb 10 million tons of CO2.

Thanks to the Rainforest Alliance, cork producers are achieving Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification, ensuring that your wine’s closure comes from responsibly managed forests. 

At Intertek, we help brands achieve FSC certification so wine lovers can enjoy their favorite bottles with knowing their choice supports sustainability from grape to glass.

Next time you uncork a bottle, look for FSC-certified cork because great wine deserves a great and sustainable closure!

For more information visit: FSC™ and PEFC Certification | Sustainable Forestry

Global warming is impacting nearly all aspects of wine production, younger generations are requiring a shift in brand values, digital marketplaces have brought economic changes, and the rise of organic wine is making waves in the industry. With these changes and more, the wine industry is quickly learning to adapt to become more sustainable while also remaining profitable. Read More:


sustainability, wine, wine lovers, sustainable wine, drink responsibly, cork matters, rainforest alliance, forest stewardship council, fsc, certification