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Cybersecurity May Tighten For U.S. Healthcare Organizations

The United States Dept. of Health and Human Services has issued a proposal that would update the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act's (HIPAA) security rule. The proposal would include requirements for multifactor authentication, data encryption and routine scans for vulnerabilities and breaches, as well as mandatory malware protection for systems handling sensitive information, network segmentation, the implementation of separate controls for data backup and recovery, and yearly audits to check for compliance.

These all sound like reasonable steps to keep patient and organization data secure, yet here we are beginning 2025 with just a proposal. It will go to a 60-day public comment phase for feedback. Based on news reports of data breaches happening just about every week, these practices should be fast-tracked into play.

Healthcare data is widely considered some of the most expensive and sought after information by hackers. The average black-market cost of a leaked healthcare record is significantly more expensive that an average payment data record, such as a credit card. This is because health information typically contains more details than payment info and can be used for extortion, to obtain medical services or drugs, or to conduct insurance fraud, among other things. 

It's critical that we ramp up security of the information systems that contain this information, as well as the practices and policies of the people who use them on a daily basis. 

Intertek plays a vital role in helping organizations and medical device manufacturers ensure cybersecurity of both IT systems and connected equipment. Our experts walk clients through the best standards and procedures for identifying potential vulnerabilities, mitigating risk, and developing a forward-looking plan to minimize future exposure as well. 

Click here to download and play Intertek's webinar titled "Managing Cybersecurity Risks In A Clinical Setting" for more information about what healthcare organizations can do right away to minimize risk. 


medical, healthcare, cyberysecurity, english