Any company is the sum of its assets. They are physical or intangible.
Buildings, tools, equipment and devices, cash, the information and data received/managed/held are all sorts of assets.
The above did not cover one of the most important asset without which nothing would have been: the human element.
An asset that comes with ingenuity, imagination, appetite for life, a natural and abundant well of resources, with a rich history that has demonstrated its adaptability. I will not bore any of you with an historical tour of our evolution but let’s face it: the industrial revolution (among other) did not appear by itself.
For a company to remain competitive, sharp with cutting-edge technologies, products and services, all assets must be constantly updated.
A Pro-active investment on the matter ensures a profitable return. As very well stated by François de La Rochefoucauld, “The only constant thing in life is change”.
Taking into consideration in a strategic assets management plan, the time and investment to upgrade all assets, including humans, is the only way to survive, live and strive in our moving, perpetually changing world and its markets.
Companies filled with employees stagnant are doomed to become obsolete, fail and disappear.
Increasing the expertise and skills of an organization’s human assets is primordial. Employee development comes with traditional education, on-the-job training, coaching, mentoring, a lifelong and on-going learning path.
This investment will trigger several ripple effects: a sense of gratitude, of respect, the desire to belong with an employer, an entity that values its human capital. Studies on the topic have demonstrated the increase in happiness, dedication, performance, innovation, productivity, which cascade into market competitiveness.
At Intertek, we do not manufacture anything. We are strictly service orientated. We offer Testing, Certification and Inspection services. It relies on the performance of three main assets: human beings, his connecting tools and his equipements/devices. From traditional to innovative testing, from System Certification Audits to “A la carte” Second Party Audits, it is our people that makes the difference. We believe in the constant investment in our human capital.
We recognize that learning takes many forms, which is why we offer a variety of training platforms to support your growth. Explore our diverse learning resources here:
If you and your company need help navigating through our vast offer of Instructor Led-Training, E-Learning, Webinars and White-Papers, please contact us at ….. we are to help.