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Transforming EU Climate Leadership through CBAM Reform

I came across a comprehensive summary this week on CBAM, outlining its original purpose, the controversies it has sparked, and potential ways to address them.

Driven by the EU’s climate goals, CBAM was established to monitor and assess carbon emissions both within and outside the EU, aiming to prevent carbon "leakage." It encourages countries to review their policies on industrial emissions. However, critics argue that CBAM disproportionately affects low-income countries, with concerns that the costs for countries like those in Africa may exceed the EU’s aid to the region.

A careful review of CBAM's impact on the least developed countries is essential, and the approach should differ between these and more developed nations.

Intertek is prepared to help you achieve CBAM compliance. You can find our White Paper on CBAM here:

“We also need to listen and respond better to the concerns of our partners impacted by European legislation, in particular those linked to the European Green Deal. We need a more systematic approach to assessing the impact of our laws on non-EU countries, and we need to provide more targeted support to help them adjust to and benefit from those laws.”


cbam, sustainability, greenhouse gas, ghg, eu, english