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Why Traceability Is Becoming Important to Fashion

The growing importance of sustainability among fashion consumers has shifted the focus to traceability—knowing the origin and journey of materials used in clothing. As highlighted by the World Economic Forum, transparency is now essential for building sustainable supply chains. Consumers, especially those buying cotton, want to ensure they are supporting ethical practices.

According to Cotton Incorporated’s research, over half of consumers now associate traceability with fashion, and sustainability is a key factor in purchasing decisions. Brands must respond by offering transparent, eco-friendly options, especially for future generations, and many consider sustainable raw materials and circular processes in their products design. 

Intertek offers a range of solutions that align with this growing demand for sustainability and traceability. Through services such as supply chain assurance and product certification, Intertek helps brands verify the sourcing of raw materials, ensuring compliance with environmental and ethical standards. Their sustainability certifications and audit programs enable fashion brands to build trust with consumers, providing documented transparency throughout the production process. Intertek’s holistic approach ensures that brands can meet the increasing demand for sustainability while minimizing their environmental footprint.

Below are just a few of the solutions Intertek offers around traceability:

Supply Chain Assurance (

Intertek x Trace For Good

Traceability and Digital Passport Solutions (

Traceability Assurance (

An article in the World Economic Forum says transparency is “becoming increasingly important to consumers worldwide, including in the fashion industry.


traceability, sustainable fashion, supply chain assurance, trace for good, assurance, digital passport, fashion, english