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Bio-engineered "golden lettuce" contains 30X more vitamins

Research scientists in Spain have taken the leafy salad staple and re-engineered it with increased levels of the antioxidant beta-carotene, which your body uses to make vitamin A. This vitamin helps the body with healthy vision and immune function, and research shows that it can also protect against Alzheimer’s, heart disease and some kinds of cancer.

Sound perfect for some people looking to turn a new leaf with their diet, doesn't it?  

Anyway, the project wasn't without its challenges. Increasing the level of beta carotene makes it more difficult for photosynthesis and reduces the plant’s ability to gain energy from sunlight. Ultimately they found a method that works, and maybe one day soon you'll find a slice of golden lettuce on your sandwich. 

If you're curious to know whether bioengineered food would be safe for human consumption, or wondering how they can validate this “30 times more beta carotene” claim, you'll be happy to know that Intertek tests a variety of food products for exactly that (and more). From microbiological testing to allergen testing, investigation of “food fraud” to health claim substantiation, Intertek helps food manufacturers meet safety requirements every day.


bioengineering, food safety, lettuce, vitamin a, english