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Time to Turn Green!

The world is rapidly shifting towards sustainability, and the demand for “green skills” is soaring. 

According to LinkedIn's latest Green Skills Report, job postings requiring at least one green skill increased by a median of 15.2% between February 2022 and February 2023. While this growth is encouraging, the reality is that the labour market isn't keeping up with the demand. Since 2015, global demand for green skills has risen by 40%, yet only 13% of the workforce currently possess the expertise companies need to drive sustainable change.

The challenge is clear: we are not moving fast enough to equip professionals with the green skills essential to achieve global net-zero targets. 

But it’s not just about hiring for obvious roles like "Solar Technician" or "Sustainability Manager." Green skills are becoming essential across all roles – from procurement to catering, facilities management and operations.  

By embedding sustainability into our job remit, we can help create a greener future for all. 

For more information on how Intertek can help you upskill, visit

As companies — and countries — strive to meet sustainability goals, the demand for green skills will only increase. To prepare your company for the future, think about hiring or upskilling for the green economy now. Yes, it’s good for business. But mostly, the planet’s future depends upon it.


greenskills, sustainability, personaldevelopment, netzero, careerpath, training, upskill, environmentalmanagement