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ESG Investment will become more prevalent in the future.

As new environmental regulatory requirements are being issued in Canada, the US and Europe, investors and consumers are looking for companies with robust ESG programs they can trust. Intertek's experts can assist your organization in its ESG journey. From validating your ESG claims, to compliance testing and social compliance audits, to life cycle analysis and greenhouse gas calculations. Contact us to start the conversation. ESG Assurance (

As we approach the year 2035, businesses will have more to contend with than simply maximizing revenues and profits. Companies will increasingly be held to account not just for their financial performance but also the impact their activities have on the environment and society. This means environmental concerns will be even more critical to long-term sustainability and resilience than they are today. And the incentives for businesses to pursue policies that uphold principles of inclusivity, diversity and social justice will be greater, too.


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