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Indoor Air Quality Is Under The Microscope

With increasing concerns about indoor air quality, especially post-pandemic, indoor air cleaners have become essential tools in maintaining healthy environments in various facilities. A recent article in Facility Executive explores the critical factors that facility managers should consider when selecting air purification systems. It highlights the importance of understanding the different technologies available, such as HEPA filters, UV-C light, and ionizers, and their effectiveness in removing pollutants from the air. The article stresses the need for proper maintenance and regular performance assessments to ensure these systems operate at their best.

Choosing the right air cleaning solution is about more than just technology; it also involves compliance with regulatory standards and best practices. Intertek works with manufacturers of air cleaning products and air purification systems to help them meet stringent safety and performance requirements. By working with Intertek, manufacturers can ensure their products not only improve indoor air quality but also adhere to the highest standards, providing peace of mind to facility managers and workers, and also safeguarding the health of building occupants overall.

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) for Building Environments (

“The worst thing we can do is trap the air inside with the virus and the pollutants and not do much about it,” added Dr. Jimenez. “That is not very smart, but unfortunately, it’s what we do most of the time and it has significant health effects.”


environment, indoor air quality, air purification, technology, healthy buildings, english