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Latest Assurance in Action Podcast: Exploring the Vegan Food Landscape

The rise of veganism is more than just a trend—it's a global movement transforming the food industry. Our latest series on the Assurance in Action podcast delves into this dynamic shift, exploring the nuances of vegan food, from allergen management to the complexities of global labeling standards. This episode offers a comprehensive look at how different regions worldwide are adapting to and embracing plant-based lifestyles. With insights into how our team in Turkey led the charge by adopting the Intertek Vegan program, this episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in the future of food.

Dive deeper into the world of veganism with Assurance in Action, where our experts explore the latest trends and insights that are shaping the future of the food industry. 

Listen here!

#DidYouKnow our Turkey Team was the first country to adopt the Intertek Vegan program. Tune in to learn more!


vegan food, sustainability, vegan, podcast, aia podcast, allergen management, allergies, plant-based, english, highlight