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Retailers urge UK to swiftly implement due diligence for deforestation-linked commodities

In a recent article on FeedNavigator, Jane Byrne highlights concerns from British retailers about the impact of regulatory differences between the UK and EU on UK businesses. A key issue is that the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) sets a clear cut-off date, while the UK’s Forest Risk Commodities (UKRFC) regulation does not, allowing future deforestation deemed “legal” to continue.

Intertek offers a range of services, from scoping and risk assessment to due diligence support and ongoing monitoring, helping companies uphold the highest environmental standards. Learn more about how we can assist at EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) (


The UK's delay in implementing UKFRC legislation is creating market uncertainty and undermining retailer efforts to eliminate deforestation and land conversion, warns the Retail Soy Group (RSG).


deforestation, eudr, ukfrc, english