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What If We Turned Plastic Into Fuel?

In an age where plastic production is soaring, the environmental toll is becoming increasingly apparent. But amidst the concern, an innovative solution has emerged: converting plastic waste into fuel. This approach not only promises to reduce the volume of plastic in landfills and oceans but also offers a potential energy source. 

Turning plastic into fuel is based on a process called pyrolysis. Pyrolysis involves breaking down large molecules of plastic at high temperatures in the absence of oxygen. This process transforms the plastic into smaller molecules, typically producing a mix of synthetic oils, gases, and a solid residue. These byproducts can be further refined into fuels like diesel or can be used directly in certain industrial applications.

The idea of using plastic-derived fuel for powering homes and vehicles is becoming more of a reality, and at Intertek Caleb Brett we are proud that we can help accelerate that progress by enhancing the plastic pyrolysis process through advanced analytical services. Our team conducts feedstock analysis to optimize pyrolysis conditions by assessing plastic waste and identifying impurities. Product analysis evaluates the quality and compatibility of pyrolysis oil with existing petrochemical systems. Techniques like Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (Py-GC/MS), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) provide crucial insights into the properties and behaviour of the waste and produced oil, aiding in efficiency and safety improvements.

Plastic production is predicted to keep skyrocketing in the next ten years, and our planet is going to pay the price. But, with all that plastic being made, is it possible we could do some good with it?


caleb brett, energy, oil & gas, plastics, sustainability, fuel