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Ownership - Does your team embed sustainability principles into their work?

I've added a bonus link to this post - 5 years old but still worth reading and one which proposes a principle of ownership that the second one seems to deliver against..... 

They made me think about whether, and how, my team actually contribute to our company sustainability goals and is a question that I suspect all of us should ask ourselves.  

The main link at the bottom caught my eye as it's a real life practical example of where the UK government are not just setting their sustainability objectives but have given practical and simple guidance to the technology project teams, helping them with inputs on what they can do within their day to day roles to help achieve the UK sustainability objectives.

This is a fantastic example of where the UK is making sustainability the ownership of each and every team - not just the sustainability team.  They are also aware that not everyone will inherently know what good looks like against these sustainability goals, and so provide support to their tech teams to help them hit the UK targets.

The reminder is that success comes not just from great vision, but also from the core discipline of measuring, managing and improving against the goals in that vision.  And doing this in every team on a daily, weekly and monthly cadence.

Maybe one of the UK team read this second link from a few years ago in HBR where the author states that being successful in the sustainability space is down to ownership. She states that "Companies that are winning the sustainability battle have created the conditions for their stakeholders to OWN sustainability.

The article is 5+ years old but still worth a read:

How to Make Sustainability Every Employee’s Responsibility (

Both articles reminded me the vision is just step one.  Having the tools, processes and good practices in place that help my team measure and manage our activities against our corporate sustainability goals is key.  And then adapting our actions so we can improve and truly own and contribute to our sustainability objectives is when we can feel successful.

You should also consider how your project will measure, manage, and improve its sustainability during the project, and after it has become business as usual.


sustainability, sustainable technology, metrics, ownership, english