A few weeks ago I had to prepare a presentation for a sports association on the topic of due diligence, new laws in Germany, EU and worldwide and how to approach the whole matter without being overwhelmed and giving up at the beginning. And I came up with two items which are not directly linked to due diligence.
The first one is how to approach a seemingly enormous obstacle and the other one is how to work on a daily basis, even if the odds are against you.
And as Desmond Tutu once wisely said that “there is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time.” Additionally to that you shouldn´t try to tackle the issue all by yourself, chose a team whom you trust and who will support you. As in rugby, teams with outstanding single players do not win games, the teams who work together and tackle the opponent, in our case the supply chain, with combined forces will win.
There is another lesson to be taken from rugby. The game of rugby is based on laws and guiding principles of the game mentioned in the rugby charter. You may use the "rugby approach" for your supply chain, action within and communication with the various stakeholders. All principles are important but integrity is an absolute within everything you do. Monitor and work on improving the supply chain with 100% discipline and respect towards your suppliers and clients. When your suppliers struggle show them solidarity and support them in their endavours. And last but not least be passionate in what you are doing and try to excel every day.
P.S. As a matter of coincidence a rugby referee colleague of mine also posted an article in Linkedin on how the rugby values also matter in business and leadership. Have a short read, here it is https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6993151249059614720/