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Automotive ESG updates!

The Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) and Drive Sustainability today released the updated version of the “Automotive Industry Guiding Principles to Enhance Sustainability Performance in the Supply Chain,” the reference document for suppliers that aims to address the latest trends and industry expectations on supply chain sustainability. This alignment between automakers was the result of a need to address critical issues impacting today’s industry, and to speak with a unified voice on the importance of a sustainable, ethical supply chain. 

This is a great example of how industry leaders are coming together to make real and measurable strides towards sustainability and responsible sourcing goals. 

“Recent and emerging legislative mandates, coupled with the ongoing complexity of today’s global supply chain, make these revisions to the Guiding Principles more vital than ever. In moving from a more aspirational tone and approach to one that better highlights current industry expectations and guidelines, we have created more thorough guidance to support supplier partners at all tiers.”


sustainability, automotive, esg