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Building Back Better

Never before in human history did adhering to Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) become vital for our survival. COVID-19 has unmasked the reality of lack of ownership of the future by us as individuals and organizations.

There is an increasing need to acknowledge that our world is at a tipping point. Our lack of economic resilience, deficient healthcare infrastructure and fragility of supply chains were all exposed by this pandemic.

As we look towards COVID-19 reset now, we have a great chance to build back a better world by adopting SDGs. These interconnected goals provide a road-map to recover in a better way and ensure a more sustainable future for all.

Addressing the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and protecting ourselves against future global threats requires sound management of hazardous medical and chemical waste; strong and global stewardship of nature and biodiversity; and a clear commitment to “building back better”, creating green jobs and facilitating the transition to carbon neutral economies. Humanity depends on action now for a resilient and sustainable future.


intertek, protek, environment, sustainability, covid-19, pandemic, resilience, sustainable development goals, environmental protection