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The Bright Future of Renewable Energy

At a time when environmental challenges remain a pressing concern, it’s encouraging to see positive progress in the shift toward renewable energy.

A recent article highlights a major milestone: by 2025, renewables could surpass coal usage for the first time in history.

Three key factors are driving this shift:

  1. Cost-effectiveness – The cost of solar energy has dropped by 90% over the past decade, while wind energy costs have decreased by 70%, making renewables more competitive than ever.
  2. Job creation – The renewable energy sector is expanding rapidly, creating new employment opportunities and supporting economic growth.
  3. Improved reliability – Advances in energy storage and technology have significantly enhanced the dependability of renewable energy sources.

At Intertek, we are committed to supporting businesses in their journey toward a more sustainable future. Learn more about how we can help:

🔗 Energy Efficiency Services
🔗 Energy Storage Technologies

The momentum behind renewables is undeniable, and with continued advancements and collective action, a clean and sustainable energy future is not only feasible but inevitable.


renewables, energy, wind energy, english, renewable energy