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Microsoft committing $80 Billion on AI-Enabled data centers in 2025

If ever there was doubt about the future of technology and innovation, just “follow the money” as they say. With Microsoft announcing that it will be spending $80 Billion around the world in 2025 to build AI-Enabled data centers, it's clear that continued development of physical infrastructure is a priority for companies investing in this space. (We're looking at you, too, Amazon, Meta, and Alphabet.) 

Intertek has been supporting the construction and operation of data centers for years. Our assurance, testing, inspection and certification solutions provide confidence to builders/owners, contractors, product manufacturers, building code officials, electrical inspectors, and everyone involved with the safe operation of a successful data center.

Our expertise includes: 

  • Environmental assessments, geotechnical engineering, drilling and surveys before building even begins, plus construction materials testing and building enclosure commissioning
  • Testing and certification of all the electrical products (IT Equipment, HVAC, Lighting, Fire & Security, etc.) inside the building
  • Review and inspection of all power-generation and backup battery equipment
  • Field evaluations of any unlisted or uncertified electrical equipment being installed
  • Cybersecurity consulting and evaluations of all IoT devices installed in and around the building, as well as the critical IT equipment, servers, storage devices and networking equipment
  • Certification of quality management systems, including ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 14001 and more

With so many solutions helping to maximize efficiency and reduce risk, Intertek is the industry's most trusted partner for all data center safety, quality and sustainability services. 

Learn more at, or better yet call us today at 1-800-967-5352 to talk to an expert and get your data center up and running successfully. 

The company has revealed that it's spending a total of $80 billion on AI-enabled data centers in 2025. Microsoft said it's building out the data centers to be able to train and deploy AI models, as well as to power its cloud-based applications. While that's the entirety of its budget for projects around the world, more than half of it will go towards building data centers in the United States.


microsoft, data centers, ai, artificial intelligence, technology, innovation, investment, cloud computing, english