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Burning rubbish now UK’s dirtiest form of power

The recent article sheds light on the troubling reality that burning rubbish has become the dirtiest form of power in the UK, producing emissions that approach those of coal-fired plants. As we move towards net zero different industries will reach the top of the list of emitters, as others find solutions to decarbonise and their emissions reduce. One effective alternative to energy recovery from waste is the processing of hard to recycle plastics through pyrolysis, a process that converts plastic waste into valuable energy.

At Intertek Caleb Brett, our pyrolysis oil testing services play a crucial role in ensuring that pyrolysis-derived fuels meet environmental and safety standards. By facilitating the recycling of plastics, pyrolysis not only helps divert waste from landfills but also produces cleaner energy sources with significantly reduced emissions. This innovative approach supports a circular economy and enhances sustainability efforts.

Engaging in pyrolysis offers a path toward a cleaner future by turning waste into resourceful energy, ultimately benefiting both the environment and energy sectors. As we navigate the challenges of waste management, embracing such technologies is vital.

For more information on how our pyrolysis oil testing can assist your sustainability initiatives, visit our website: Pyrolysis Oil Testing (

We need to rethink our waste management strategy to prioritize sustainable practices.


pyrolysis oil, sustainability, sustainable practices, waste, uk