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Over 70% of Canadian's Experience Barriers on Vacation

The 2022 Canadian Survey on Disability (CSD) notes an increase in the number of Canadians with disabilities from 22% to 27% of Canadian's aged 15 years of age or older. The survey looked at 27 types of barriers experience by Canadians with disabilities.

I find it frustrating, but not surprising that 71% of disabled Canadians face one or more barriers to having a vacation. Canada has eight million residents with a disability and at 71%, that means 5.7 million residents face challenges with vacations, which must be negatively impacting the tourism business. There is fantastic opportunity for the tourism and hospitality industry to gain competitive advantage and grow by removing barriers and being more inclusive.

The CSD results are available via an interactive report > Barriers to accessibility among persons with disabilities in Canada (

How can Intertek help?

Intertek’s Hospitality Assurance solutions are designed to address the unique hygiene, safety, accessibility and risk management requirements of the travel and transportation industry, including airports, cruises, trains, and road transportation.

Hospitality Solutions for Travel & Transportation (

Nearly three in four Canadians with a disability (71.9%), or more than 5.7 million people, said they experienced at least one barrier in 2022, with slight variation across the provinces. One in five people (19.5%) said they did not experience barriers.


inclusive travel, inclusive hospitality, accessible travel, canada, intertek cristal, disability inclusion, statistics, english, highlight