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Is the hospitality sector serious about sustainability?

Sustainable practices are essential to the health and resilience of any business, however in Deloitte’s 2023 European Hospitality Industry Conference industry survey, non-compliance with the growing sustainability agenda and climate change disruptions are only considered high risks in the longer term.

As global attention on environmental issues grows, the hospitality sector needs to drive sustainability efforts and maximise its positive influence on consumers, communities, and the planet. By investing in sustainable solutions now, businesses can gain a competitive advantage, ensuring they are future-proofed against evolving environmental regulations and viewed favorably by discerning guests.

For more information on how Intertek can help hospitality businesses achieve their sustainability goals, visit Environmental Auditing and Certification Services (


Take the opportunity to share the improvements transparently and honestly with your customers and owners, celebrating and reinforcing your commitment to sustainability. As your sustainability journey continues, be sure to track, quantify, and disclose your improvements in environmental and financial impact reports.


hospitality, sustainability, netzero, intertek