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The Problem of Waste Plastic and Why Pyrolysis Oil Might Just Contain the Answer

The recent article on The Chemical Engineer about the problem of waste plastic and the potential of pyrolysis oil is both timely and insightful. As our planet grapples with the ever-growing plastic waste crisis, innovative solutions like reprocessing by pyrolysis offer a beacon of hope. Pyrolysis converts plastic waste into valuable oil, which can be refined into fuels or chemical feedstocks, thus addressing both waste management and resource recovery. 

Intertek Caleb Brett is at the forefront of supporting organisations in their pyrolysis journey. With our extensive experience in analytical and testing services, we ensure that the pyrolysis oil produced can be described in terms of its physical and chemical properties. Our comprehensive testing capabilities cover a wide range of parameters, including ts physical attributes, composition, and identifying contaminants that may cause issue with further processing, ensuring the end product is safe and effective for its intended use. 

Additionally, our expert consultancy services provide guidance on process optimisation, regulatory compliance, and sustainability reporting. Intertek's Circular Assure offering ensures companies can, companies can navigate the complexities of pyrolysis technology with confidence, ensuring their operations are efficient, compliant, and environmentally responsible. 

As the world shifts towards a circular economy, innovative solutions like pyrolysis, supported by rigorous testing and consultancy, will be pivotal in creating a sustainable future. Intertek Caleb Brett is proud to play a key role in this transformative journey. 

Learn More at - Circular Economy Solutions For Plastics - CircularAssure ( 

The world produces around 450m t/y of plastic, but only 9% is recycled, with most waste ending up in landfill. Pyrolysis, which involves heating the plastic at extremely high temperatures in the absence of oxygen, breaks down the molecules to produce pyrolysis oil or gas. The oil can then be used to develop new products.


caleb brett, sustainability, circular assure, plastic waste