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Human rights or enough food? No! Improving the human rights leads to reduction of acute hunger!

Human rights and the global food crisis are linked closely together.

An article I read today reports on the situation which former Brazil president Bolsanoro created when coming into power in January 2019, wher he cancelled the "national food agency" (CONSEA) which was meant to provide food security for the Brazilian people. 

During the presidency of Bolsonaro a resistance by the Brazilian people formed, showing what is possible when many get together for a good idea. They for instance organized a national banquetaço

As soon as the next Brazilian president, Lula da Silva, was sworn in he reinstated the CONSEA, i.e. showing that resistance and caring about your fellow people respectively caring about basic human rights also helps to tackle food challenges.

This spirit of resistance – if replicated elsewhere – could transform food systems worldwide and ease the global hunger crisis that the pandemic, climate shocks, and conflict have exacerbated.