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Does climate inaction breach human rights?

This will be interesting and should have great implications on future actions and inaction on country level as well as on the level of companies, especially the multinational ones.

Three cases have been brought up to the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in Strasbourg, two hearings being held on March 29th, the third some time later this year.

And "the world is watching: these rulings will have deep, lasting, and transformative consequences for millions today and billions in the future."

#futuregenerations #climatechange #humanrights 

In practice, a vast majority of states are not yet acting fast enough, effectively using the design of the Agreement as a means to play “chicken” with the safety of their citizens, something the courts have a clear mandate to dismantle.


human rights, climate change, future generations, climate inaction, europe, english