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The ILO launches a forced labour observatory

In times of again increasing cases of forced labour on a worldwide scale the International Labour Organization (ILO) has recently developped / initiated a platform named Forced Labour Observatory (FLO) in order to collect global data on forced labour and human trafficking. This is in relation to the ILO action plan in the framework of the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work..

The FLO will hopefully be providing accurate and up-to-date data/statistics and information on forced labour to international organisations, governments, policy-makers, civil society and any social compliance stakeholders willing to improve the situation regarding forced labour.

Governments all over the world are taking legislative measures to ensure organizations are actively monitoring for and eradicating forced labour from their operations and supply chains. Therefore expectancies regarding regular updates are high within the stakeholders, it is now time to prove that they will also be met.

As a participant within the supply chain, no matter if you are upstream or at the end of the supply chain you might want to check within your organisation or with your service providers if you have access to specific supply chain solutions, next to overall workplace conditions assessments, on how to assess forced labour issues.

In the FLO, you will find comprehensive global and country information, including on international and national legal and institutional frameworks; enforcement, prevention (including fair recruitment and due diligence) and protection measures, as well as information related to access to justice; remedies, and cooperation.


forced labour, human trafficking, human rights, migrant workers, ilo, modern slavery