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ESG as an opportunity for the automotive industry.

The management consultancy Roland Berger recently asked the board members and managing directors of around 60 medium-sized automotive suppliers in the DACH region following questions:
- How important is the topic of ESG for companies in the supply industry?
- How do the companies rate their knowledge?
- What have they already implemented and where do they see challenges and opportunities? 

68% of respondents prioritise initiatives in the ESG areas. They rate their own knowledge of requirements to achieve ESG compliance as good to very good in 64% of the cases.. The reason behind this commitment: 80 percent of the respondents expect long-term disadvantages in competitiveness if they do not work on the requirements. They also suspect poorer access to refinancing as well as negative effects on the company's reputation.

Decarbonisation of transport is the key word concerning environmental aspects. In the area concerning social aspects, adhering to human rights standards in the supply chain (87%) and promoting diversity in companies (also 87%) are the main focus. The G in ESG is addressed mainly with supplier selection according to ESG criteria as well as external ESG auditing and ESG reporting.

You may find the results of the survey (in German language) under following link

"We firmly believe that developing more sustainable and climate-friendly business models is one of the most important long-term challenges for medium-sized automotive suppliers." Dr. Thomas Schlick, Roland Berger


esg, automotive industry, supply chain